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Related post: deserves great credit for his researches in this field.
He states that as early as 1876, Savage, the English
alienist, reported a number of cases of insanity due
to infected teeth, in which the patients recovered
when the Erythromycin Prescription Children infected teeth were removed, and further
"Read before the Northwestern Medical Society of New York
City, February, 1920.
this work was mentioned by Lauder Brunton in an
essay (,4a).
Not all the credit for establishing the relation of
infected teeth to systemic diseases belongs to 250 Mg Erythromycin the
medical profession for in an admirable book on the
subject, Kurt Thoma (5) of the Harvard Dental
School, has given us the most comprehensive work
in this field and we can recommend it to both medi-
cal and dental professions. Other members of the
dental profession have called attention to the danger
of infected teeth, but judging from the widespread
nature of this Erythromycin Prescription infection the rank and file of the
dental profession have not heeded their advice.
The relation Prescription Calls Erythromycin 400mg 5ml Many Mg Erythromycin of infected tonsils to systemic dis-
ease was first shown by J. J. King (6). While it
was generally known that rheumatism frequently
followed tonsillitis and that infected tonsils, in
children should be removed, we find little of
positive value until the work of King. Following
his work we began to look at the tonsils as a pos-
sible source of infection and in 1917 we began to
enucleate infected tonsils. Dr. Charles F. Adams,
of Trenton, at our request, enucleated the tonsils in
twenty-five cases in the spring of that year and
twenty-four of these patients recovered. We are
indebted to Doctor Adams and we believe that this 250 Mg Erythromycin Acne
was the first time that mfected tonsils were removed
in order to benefit the mental condition of patients
in an insane hospital. At present infected tonsils
have to be removed in over sixty per cent, of our
patients, and frequently it would appear that they
were the most important 400 Mg Erythromycin source of infection. At
least we can say that infected tonsils and infected
teeth are of equal importance.
The next link in the chain of infection was sup-
plied by Martin F. Rehfuss (7) of Philadelphia.
We have realized for some years that a certain pro-
portion of our patients had serious gastrointestinal
disturbances, but we were unable to determine the
nature of this trouble or to eradicate it. Routine
examination of Where To Buy Erythromycin-Benzoyl Gel the stools did not furnish us the
necessary information as we could not determine
what type Erythromycin Prescription Price of organism was responsible for the
infection. Rehfuss has supplied this very important
link by his method of fractional examination of the
stomach contents and their culture. This latter
procedure seems to have been overlooked entirely,
but from our results we are of the opinion that it
is perhaps one of the most important contributions
to the whole subject of chronic infection. By this
method we are able to determine definitely the
organisms responsible for the gastrointestinal in-
fection for here we can obtain them in pure culture.
Not only do we find serious gastric infection in at
least twenty per cent, of our cases, but in most of
these cases there is either an entire absence of
hydrochloric acid during the test meal or a very low
amount secreted. Thus this method gives us a
very important fact regarding gastrointestinal in-
fection and links up the teeth and tonsils as the
probable origin of this infection.
To 500 Mg Erythromycin Reese Satterlee (8) we are indebted for our
knowledge of the pathogenicity of the colon bacillus
and our work substantiates his ideas regarding the
importance of eliminating this organism in certain
types of gastrointestinal disorders. We have found
the colon bacillus in the stomach and duodenum of
many of our patients and in other organs where
normally it sliould not be found and we consider
it a very potent factor in most of the chronic types
of mental diseases. Buy Erythromycin-Benzoyl Peroxide Gel As far as we have seen there
is little evidence that it tends to eliminate itself
spontaneously as is probably the case in strepto-
coccic infection.
To John W. Draper and Jerome Lynch (9) we are
indebted for their contributions to the physiology and
pathology of the low'er intestinal tract. Their work
is of the utmost importance and represents years of
painstaking research in this field. It has been of
especial value to us not only in determining the
presence of chronic infections of the colon, but also
has given us definite methods of eradicating this
It can readily be seen from the above that we are
not responsible for any new methods in clinical
medicine, but we do claim credit for recognizing the
importance of these methods outlined above and
their application to the problems of mental diseases,
especially when these methods have not been given
the recognition they deserve. We refer specifically
to the complement fixation test for the various
organisms concerned in focal infection. Without
this method we would not have been able to carry
our researches to completion or to report the 333 Mg Erythromycin results
which we have obtained in the socalled functional
group of the psychoses.
We believe that Do You Need Prescription Erythromycin we can show by clinical evidence
that certain types of mental diseases are caused by
toxemia 50 Mg Erythromycin resulting from focal infection and clearing
up these foci of infection results in the recovery
of the patient. We have further confirmation of
this belief from Prophylactic Tetracycline Erythromycin Ointment the pathological and bacteriological
studies made after death, and have yet to find a
single case with a functional psychosis without ac-
companying infection. Although we presented 1000 Mg Erythromycin our
facts in a preliminary report to the New York Psy-
chiatric Society in April, 1918, no one has as yet
disproved our findings — at least it has not been
shown that these types of mental diseases are free
from the infections we have described.
Results are what count and theory can be easily
proved or disproved if any one in this line of work
will take the trouble 250 Mg Erythromycin Tablets to investigate our methods.
We realize that we have to upset many of our
traditional ideas regarding the etiology of the
psychoses, but if we can produce results which have
not been produced by any other methods, we feel
that our methods should have Buy Erythromycin For Acne a fair trial. We shall
proceed to outline our methods of examination and
treatment in detail with the hope that other Buy Erythromycin Tablets institu-
tions will see the necessity for their adoption. No
one interested in this subject would Erythromycin Prescription Drug deny the neces-
sity for searching for some definite etiology in the
socalled functional psychoses, some causative factors
which could be attacked w'ith some assurance of

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:อาทิตย์, 17 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 12:08AM  (3829 วัน )