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Related post: a different species. Doubtless the conditions ordinarily attend-
ing the use of the horse's serum therapeutically differ materi- Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 10
ally from those present in Hayera's and others' experiments
alluded to by Dr. Armstrong, but it strikes us as reasonable to
suppose that exceptionally they may be near enough alike to
account for a death now and then as the result of this way of
treating diphtheria.
There appears to be deep discontent among onr professional
brethren in India. Whether it is confined to the non-official
physicians of British birth domiciled in that country, or
whether it extends to Benzoyl Peroxide 10 Cream the native practitioners, we do Benzoyl Peroxide 10 Gel not
know, but there seems room for surmise that it affects all but
those who are in the military service. Some of the Indian
medical journals have lately printed editorials and communica-
tions bearing now on one aspect of the grievances complained Benzoyl Peroxide Cream For Acne
of and now on another, but we have not yet noticed any Benzoyl Peroxide Gel For Acne con-
nected statement of the whole state of Benzoyl Peroxide 2 the case. There is what
is known as the "covenanted medical service," and there is the
body called the Benzoyl Peroxide 10 Percent " uncovenanted medical service." Precisely
what the difference is between these two bodies we have not
yet divined, but we presume that the one is more favored in
government circles, more "official," than the other.
If we may judge by an editorial article 2 Benzoyl Peroxide that appeared in the
March number of the Medical Reporter, of Calcutta, the Ddf Benzoyl Peroxide hope
and expectation had been entertained that the Indian Medical
Congress, which assembled in Calcutta in December, would
furnish an opportunity for those Indian physicians who were
not connected with the official medical service to show forth to
the world something of what they had achieved under difficul-
ties, as a consequence of which the government would perhaps
be induced to enlarge their facilities. In this they were disap-
pointed. The president of the congress, whom they seem to
have looked to as their spokesman, is said to have "put his foot
into it," to have given a political tura to the congress, and to have
played into the hands of the official class. It is hinted that in
all this he had the powerful co-operation of Mr. Ernest Hart.
Among other things, it is Oxy 10 Benzoyl Peroxide said that the heightened educational
facilities that should have been asked for in behalf of the pro-
vincial schools Benzoyl Peroxide Price were advocated chiefly if not solely for the
benefit of the officers of the medical service, men who are only
temporary residents of India, and that, too, not Benzoyl Peroxide Cream 10 at the expense
of the home government, but by laying a new tax on the peo-
ple of India — a tax on salt— that they are declared to be utterly
unable to pay. Why, indeed, they should pay it it is difficult to
understand, but we can make no pretense of knovring the facts
and appreciating their bearing well enoogh to Benzoyl Peroxide Bar warrant us in
April 13, 1H96.
doin^ more than assuring our Indian brethren of our sincere
sympathy and of our hope that their just aspirations may meet
with full fruition. Let them not he discouraged.
In the April number of the Pharmaceutische Rundschau, a
German pharmaceutical journal published in Ddf Benzoyl Peroxide Gel New York, there Benzoyl Peroxide Gel Bp
is an English editorial ai'ticle on pharmaceutical deg;rees. While
the writer chivalrously and justly insists that pharmacy is
something more than an art, and consequently that its practi-
tioners are as a body entitled to be looked upon as a profes-
sion, yet he modestly maintains that the pharmaceutical cur-
riculum is not sufficiently scholastic to attach to the degree of
doctor of pharmacy a dignity that the medical schools would
think commensurate with its lofty designation. In this we
think he is correct.
FiJRST states in the Berliner Iilinik for March that the
drawbacks to the use of antitoxine are its uselessness in second-
ary septic infections and in diphtheria of the bronchi, and the
unfortunate after-effects, such as Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Gel purpura, albuminuria, haemor-
rhagic nephritis, arthritis, and Acne Cream Benzoyl Peroxide olher phenomena of systemic in-
toxication that are sometimes manifested from the eighth to the
fourteenth day after the injection.
Infectious Diseases in New York.— We are indebted to
the Sanitary Bureau of the Health Department for the follow-
ing statement of cases and deaths reported during the two weeks
ending April 9, 1895:
Week ending Apr. 2.
Week ending Apr. 9.
Typiioid fever
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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:อังคาร, 19 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 03:51AM  (3808 วัน 17 ชั่วโมง)