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presented by Dr. Meyer was the left half of a larynx which
had been extirpated for Order Azathioprine traumatic stricture on the 17th of
November. The patient had cut through his larynx, making
an oblique wound, in an attempt at suicide. The knife had
also opened the left side of the pharynx without injuring any
important vessels. The man had then walked to the German
Hospital, where he arrived about midnight. The house surgeon
at once sewed the larynx at the side and in front, and also
closed the external wound with stitches. The posterior aspect
of the larynx and the pharyngeal wound were left open. A
soft-rubber tube was introduced through the latter into the
oesophagus for feeding purposes. The right portion of the cut
healed by primary union, but on the other, where the opening
of the pharynx was, suppuration set in. Ten days after the
accident a tracheal tube with a hole at its curvature was in-
serted. The patient was unable to draw a single breath by way
of the natural air- passages. .Subseijuent attempts at intralaryn-
geal manipulations, carried out by very able specialists, proved
unavailing. Neither from the mouth nor from the wound in
the ligamentum conoides could any of the instruments be
pushed through the larynx. The speaker therefore resolved to
perform laryngo-fissnre and then seek to remove what was in
the way. The trachea was first opened farther down, and a
Trendelenburg's tampon-cannula inserted, and then the larynx
split. It was found that a dense cicatricial mass encroached
upon the posterior aspect of the larynx. This had resulted in
the entire obliteration of the lumen of the organ. In addition
thereto, the upper portion of the cut Generic Azathioprine left half of the thyreoid
cartilage had slipped downward and inward from the lower
one. The left jiortion of the larynx, except the cricoid carti-
lage, was extirpated. The wound was loosely packed with iodo-
form gauze. The tampon-cannula remained in for thirty-six
hour?, and was then exchanged for an ordinary one. The pa-
tient had made an uninterrupted recovery, the temperature
never rising above 100° F. He was still under treatment.
Meeting nf January 6, 1891.
The President, Dr. L. C. Gk.w, in the Chnir.
Therapeutic Experiments with Nitrogen Buy Cheap Azathioprine Monoxide.—
Dr. W. R. BiiifcsAi.L related the results of a number of cxpcrl-
mcntfl made with this gas for the purpose of testing its thera-
peutic value. (To bo published.)
[N. Y. Mkp. Joi'F.
Dr. U. L. Parsoxs said tliat his experiments with the gas
had not given very satisfactory results. He had administered
it in a case of mehincholia with insomnia. It had produced a
feeling of comfort and well-being during the time of inhalation,
but the eflects were very transient. In another case ef opium
habit and alcoholism, in which there existed intense muscular
pain and insomnia on withdrawal of the opium, be had given
the gas in the hope that it Buy Azathioprine Online would compensate for the drug.
During the administration the patient was fairly well pleased,
but had become dissatisfied because the results were not per-
manent and were sometimes disagreeable.
Dr. W. M. Lesztnsky said he had taken the opportunity to
test this gas in asylum practice for cases of melancholia of
mild type, but without any beneficial results. The gas required
to be rapidly increased. He hardly thought the cylinder ex-
hibited by the reader of the paper would hold gas enough to do
much good.
Dr. W. 3. Morton, Dr. C. L. Dana, and others spoke to the
question, the general opinion seeming to be that nitrogen mon-
oxide was not likely to rank very high as a therapeutic nsjent.
A Study of the Relation of Intercvirrent Acute Diseases
and Serious Injuries to Recovery in Two Thousand Cases of
Insanity.— Dr. W. D. (traxgeu read a |)aper with this title. lie
thought that the close attention paid to all of thedetailsrelatiug
to the life and surrounding Order Azathioprine Online comforts of the insane had much to
do in reducing to a mininuiin the intercurrence of acute diseases
in this class Purchase Azathioprine Online of patients. In two thousand ca'cs, extending over
an observati(m period of eight years, the author had never seen
acute articular rheumatism, but three cases of pneumonia, three
of typhoivl fever, and one of diphtheria. Sore throat was
abundant, as it was usual in all aggregations of people. Ery-
sipelas appeared Azathioprine Online from time to time. Epidemics were likely to
appear. In spite of a common idea, and the reports of other
observers, there was little to be told about the influence of dis-
ease on insanity. The simplest common affection from which
the insane suffered was pain, often sudden and Purchase Azathioprine severe. Tooth-
ache often occurred, followed by alveolar abscess. It seldom
produced fever. He had never seen more than temporary im-
provement from pain, though he believed severe toothache might
produce recovery. Pain might increase Buy Azathioprine all the mental symp-
toms, making mania more active, mehincholia deeper, and even
dementia more pronounced. Often it had no rti'ect whatever,
and often the severest pain seemed to be borne with indiffer-
ence. Sometimes active mania was quieted and a mtional and

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:จันทร์, 25 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 09:05PM  (3829 วัน 18 ชั่วโมง)