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Related post: when and how he may act upon his own responsibility, and
when he ought to send for assistance. With this in view, the
management of ordinary labor is first described, and then in
Parts II. and III. are consecutively considered the cases
which the student may undertake without assistance, and
those in which he should ask for counsel. Part TV., an addi-
tion by the American editor, is divided into two chapters,
* Obstetric Aphorisms, for the Use of Students commencing Midwifery
Practice. By Joseph Griffiths Sn^ayne, M. D. From the fourtli revised
English edition, with Additions, hy Edward R. Ilutchins, M. D, Pliil-
adelphia: Henry C. Lea, 1870. 16mo, pp. 177.
devoted to " the Care of the Xew-born Infant," and " Abor-
The work is in the Mexitil 200mg main judiciously done, and it will be
received as an acceptable addition to the rapidl^'-increasing list
of books prepared for the especial use of students. If nsed in
accordance with the intent of the author, it can only be ser-
viceable ; but if, as is too apt to be the case among Ameri-
can students, in their unseemly haste to acquire their medical
education, this book be made to supplant systematic and
thorough study of the science and art of midwifery, we sliould
only regret its publication.
On several points we might take exceptions to the teach-
ings of this book ; but will specify only two, which happen to
occur on the same page (48). The author's respect probably
for authority has led him to give his adherence to the old
starvation-diet of the lying-in-woman. It was our good for-
tune, we think, to be taught differently, and Buy Mexitil in practice we
have seen nothing but the best results from precisel}'- the op-
posite course. To sustain your patients liberally is, we believe,
the surest means of warding off many of the complications
incident to the jpost-jpartum state. On the same page the
American editor advises never to apply a napkin over the
vulva to absorb the lochial discharges, for the reason that
" such an application but dams up the lochial discharges
against a uterus already excited." Theoretically, granted, pro-
vided that napkins be made impervious to fluids, and be fitted
to the vulva after the manner of a water-tight joint. Prac-
tically the advice is absurd, and the danger purely hypothet-
ical. Carelessness in reading has led to the introduction of
several perplexing typographical errors, tliat mar the perfect-
ness of the volume.
Issued in sumptuous style, we have here ' a reprint, from
the first volume of the Bellevue and Charity Hospital Reports,
' On Ariipntatifm of tlie Cervix Uteri in certain Forms of Procidentia,
and on Complete Eversion of tlie Cervix Uteri. By Isaac E. Taylor, M. D.,
President and Emeritus Professor of Obstetncs and Diseases of Women
and Cliildrcn in the Hclleviic Hospital Medical College, etc. New York :
D. Appleton & Co., 1809. Quarto, i)p. 09, with colored jdate.
of Dr. Taylor's monograpli on "Amputation of the Cervix
Uteri in certain Forms of Procidentia, Mexitil Buy with Remarks on E ver-
sion of the Cervix Uteri." The paper is an exceedingly inter-
esting and valuable contribution to gynecological literature,
and its value is enhanced by the rare opportunities which the
author has had for observing and treating the class of aifec-
tions named in the title of the article. Premising that, by the
term procidentia used in this paper. Dr. Taylor means onlj' that
extreme degree of falling in which the uterus has escaped from
the vulva, and therefore the vagina is turned more or less
completely inside out, and embraces not only the uterus and
its appendages, but also the bladder, part of the rectum, and
frequently portions of the small intestine, we may state that
his experience now reaches eighty-four cases ; of these, thirty-
seven have been operated upon with thirty-four favorable
The conclusions at which Dr. Taylor arrives are so com-
plete an abstract of the paper that it is quite unnecessary for
us to do more tlian reproduce them here. On the points of
the pathological conditions existing in tlie uterine and sur-
rounding tissues in this lesion, and on the history and bib-
liography of the various operative procedures which have been
devised for the relief of procidentia, the paper is unusually
full, and must stand as an authority. In this Journal for
January, 1869, p. 520, et seq., will be found also a full his-
tory of these various operations, which the reader will observe
agrees very substantially -with Dr. Taylor's researches into
this question :
1. That the opinion of M. Huguier — that the atfection
designated under the names of prolapsus or procidentia of the
uterus, and whicli appears to be completely out of the pelvis,
and is exterior to tlie vulva, is rare — is correct, though not as
frequent as M. Huguier supposed, being in the proportion,
according to my own investigations, as 1 to 12f, instead of 1
to 32 of M. Huguier.
2. That there exists very seldom a true hypertrophic elon-
gation or pathological change of structure of the supra-vaginal

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:พุธ, 27 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 08:06PM  (3826 วัน 11 ชั่วโมง)