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* Read in a discussion at the New York Academy of Medicine,
January 21, 1892.
Fob. 20, 1892.]
important factor, althougli he appears to be modifying his
views as with the years more complete and careful observa-
tions bring facts in refutation. Cornet even declares that
" we daily are able to see that even the most robust people,
apparently in the best of health, become the victims of the
tubercle-bacilli infection."
Summarizing the observations made in two hundred and
twenty-one autopsies of tuberculous cases, Grawitz, formerly
Virchow's assistant, reported one hundred and fifty-two cases
as primary in the lungs, nine as primary in the digestive tract,
three arising from external wounds, and the original entrance
of the infection was doubtful in the other cases. {Deutsch.
militdriirzU. Zeitschr., 1889, Heft 10, Ref.) Then some of
the many cases where animals were experimentally fed with
tuberculous meat and milk resulted in Voltaren Xr 100 intestinal infection.
But such facts had Voltaren Xr 100 Mg been observed years before the charac-
teristic bacilli were recognized. Leudet (Gaz. fiebdom.,
1890, No. 9), reviewing many cases among married people
in the better circles of society, states (like Brehmer and
many others) that it is exceedingly rare for tubercular in-
fection to pass from one spouse to the other. Schwarz and
numerous others adduce the facts of long and extensive
hospital experiences to show that hospital attendants are
not so prone to the affection as Cornet assumed, and Haupt
(Med. Revue, 1890, No. 1), gathering the statistics of two
hundred and seventy-five female nurses encountering tuber-
culosis in a general experience, found that during twelve
years only two of these nurses had manifested the symp-
toms of the disease. In this country, comprehensive inves-
tigations of nursing statistics made with similar care are
not at hand. We, who have seen many cases in the homes
of the poor before any care was paid to adequate disinfec-
tion, can not, so far as I learn, recall much evidence of the
disease being communicated from one to another of those
living in the unhealthy abodes of our lowest classes.
But, aside from the lack of positive evidence to prove
the extremist views, there are further facts to negative or
modify the postulates. Thus Prausnitz [Archivf. Hygiene,
1891, p. 192) reports negative results when inoculating ani-
mals with dust taken from the floor of railway compart-
ments in through trains carrying consumptives for many
hours on the long journey through Bavaria. Kustermann
{Munch, med. Woch., Nov. 10, 1891, p. 796) reports wholly
negative results from collecting dust from the walls and
floors of the Munich prison hospital, and then inoculating
this dust into animals.
Happily the element of contagion, even if existing on
the clothes, the skin, and in all the secretions, soon loses its
vitality under the conditions most prevalent. Koch has
said that when exposed to da3'light and the oxygen of the
air, the tubercle bacilli present in dust form are liable to
die in from a few hours to a few days.
Although the temptation is ever present to use a " royal
road " for learning about the origin of the disease and, by
assuming the inhalation theory Buy Voltaren Xr as explaining all cases, to
consider other explanations as unwarranted, it must be in-
sisted that the inhalation theory accounts for only a portion
of the cases, and that, after all, heredity seems a very potent
source, as evidenced by the common-sense experience of
clinicians and statistical observers, as well as by bacteriolo-
gists of the highest standing, such as Professor Baum-
garten (see Deutsche med. Wochenachrift, Oct. 13, 1891)
and others, who are Voltaren Xr 100mg thoroughly conversant with the exten-
sive literature of the subject and acquainted with all the
progress and changes of the decade. An infant seems quite
as liable to inhale the bacteria of exsiccated sputum as an
adult is, and then to develop tuberculosis of the lungs if
the inhalation theory is adequate to account for all cases ;
but we have the clinical fact presented us that the lungs do
not develop tuberculosis in infants as often as in adult life,
yet the glands, bones, and joints are relatively very often
affected without any evidence that the infection arose pri-
marily in the subject through inhalation of bacteria. These
considerations, together with the occurrence of cases of
fcetal tuberculosis (Birch-Hirschfeld and Rindfleisch, Mitii-

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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:พฤหัสบดี, 28 พฤศจิกายน 2013, 09:53AM  (3803 วัน 19 ชั่วโมง)