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Related post: recovery from shock, I would not feel justified in
suggesting the possibility of keeping up or saving
human life in such cases by forced respiration. I
offer the cases of Mr. Baere and Mr. Van Orden as
instances from which it is reasonable to infer that
forced respiration may be expected to give results
in shock to be obtained by no other means.
7j Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Case I. Syphilitic stricture of rectum; recto-
vaginal fistula; external proctotomy ; entire relief
from difficulty of defecation. — M. W., married, a
small, thin, dark-complexioned woman, about thirty-
five years of age. For three years patient had had
difficulty and pain in defecation, with constipa-
tion ; some blood passed at stool. She attributed
her stricture to an operation for fistula in ano ; no
history of syphilis, or physical signs, except circular,
pigmented spots on legs. The patient had, however,
led an irregular life, and is now living with a negro.
If no laxative was taken, bowels moved but once a
week, and then with diarrhoea and pain. Apart from
this she considered herself in fair health. Fluid fecal
' In Case III., the gurgling of blood in the lungs could be heard
ten feet from the patient.
Digitized by
[Medical Neks
matter sometimes issued from vagina. She had a very
lax anus, surrounded by a fringe of external piles,
flat and bluish.
One and one-half inches up the rectum a great
narrowing of the calibre of the bowel was felt, which
barely admitted the tip of the forefinger. It appeared
to be Tadagra Soft more in the superior part of the bowel. It was
found, after the operation, to be three-fourths of an
inch long, and somewhat longer on the inferior
than on the upper surface. It was granular within,
and very hard and inelastic to the touch. The
stricture could be moved from side to side with the
After some weeks of anti-syphilitic and tonic
treatment, the case was deemed eminently suitable
for Tadagra Professional external proctotomy, which was accordingly done
November 20, 1887. The patient being etherized,
the skin and part of the adjacent tissues from the
anus to the coccyx were divided with the thermo-
cautery knife. Its use was so unsatisfactory that
recourse was had to the knife to complete the opera-
tion. The skin, sphincter, lower rectum, and
stricture being divided in the median line from
above downward (the stricture by Buy Tadagra the introduction
of a long stricture knife), the bowel above the
stricture could be plainly felt — smooth, soft, elastic,
and apparently not abnormally dilated. The hem-
orrhage was very free for a moment after the division
of the rectum, and the blood was bright red in color.
The flow was checked with little trouble by the free
use of hot water and pressure with hot sponges. An
oiled linen rag was introduced into the rectum, and
filled with sponges, so as to exert pressure upon the
rectal walls and the cut surfaces. One-fourth grain
of morphia was given twice in the following twenty-
four hours, and the sponges removed at the end of
that time. There was considerable brownish dis-
charge, and a little blood and pus escaped when the
sponges and the oiled rag were removed. The
wound was now thoroughly washed out twice daily
with warm carbolized water, and iodoform dusted in
as far as practicable ; a pad of absorbent cotton ap-
plied over all.
December g. Nineteen days after operation a Tie-
mann's soft-rubber conical rectal bougie (No. 6) was
loth. No. 7 passed.
igth. Passed No. 10. I have five times passed No. Tadagra Softgel Capsule
8 since last note. It gives the patient some pain to go
about and uneasiness to sit down. Patient has a good
stool every second or third day, after using licorice
powder. She has control over flatus and feces,
she looks well, and eats the same food as before the
operation. Some time after this the patient was seen
by my nurses going about the street. She said she
was in good condition, and had one stool daily by
smoking a cigarette. She did not consider a bougie
any longer necessary, although she was advised to
have it passed once a week.
Case II. Syphilitic stricture of the rectum : recto-
vaginal fistula ; external proctotomy ; entire relief
form symptoms. — F. W.,aslender, small, pale woman,
set. twenty-five, married. There was a clear history
of infection nine years ago, when she had a sore Tadagra Prof
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ที่ตั้ง:New York
เข้ามาครั้งสุดท้ายเมื่อ:พฤหัสบดี, 5 ธันวาคม 2013, 12:32PM  (3787 วัน 12 ชั่วโมง)